Home > Artworks > pedro miguel ortiz guerrero

Photo of pedro miguel ortiz guerrero Colombia

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NAME: Pedro Miguel Ortiz Guerrero

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2014, Grand Lobby of Riverside Theatre Complex. Columbus State University (CSU)

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0.20 x 0.31 in
0.20 x 0.31 in
39.37 x 0.31 in
47.24 x 354.33 in
0.31 x 0.31 in
0.31 x 0.31 in

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NAME: Pedro Miguel Ortiz Guerrero


Bucaramanga May 29, 1953.

ADDRESS: Calle No16a-104E 872nd floor

lang = "PT-BR"> PHONES: Office: 6452320


e-mail (pintorescultorcolombia@gmail.com)


Visual arts professional. With experience in the following areas Oil painting: traditional and contemporary printmaking. Sculpture cast in bronze cast aluminum. High polymers, polyester resins, plastics rubber rtv, silicone, latex, etc. .. Design of Industrial Products products for theater, film, puppets, floats for fairs, showcases. and architectural decoration.

Focused to establish viable paths toward cultural management and citizen participation in democracy models participatory and the sociological perspective applied from the OCON model. Looking resolutely implementing of Nonviolence. as a way of life which can vary the semiological interpretation of myth. . In the sense yearning for re-build and re-create a consensus reality which finally find the way emerge from the tribal stage to post-industrial societies with all the change it represents.


font-weight: normal; "lang =" ES-CO "> Development of sculptures for the public space. Totems park La Flora, building floats for the fairs in Bucaramanga.

business practices design and manufacturing, monitors, workshops, seminars, conferences, exhibitions etc.


lang = "ES-CO"> paint Studies College of Art sculpture. Bucaramanga

Cultural extension. UIS Master painting art history: Martin Quintero Pacheco

Participate in the salon of artists XXIII

Works in the sculpture studio of Master Allan Patterson .1975-1979

Diploma in Human Values and Non-Violence, IEHV institute, Prashanthy Nilaya. India ,1996-1997

WindowText; font-weight: normal; "lang =" ES-CO "> First National Antique hall and art galleries. Cartagena.

Decorator Architecture. Finishing works. 2009

Diploma in management and administration cultural.Bucaramanga 2010

3rd forum on cultural heritage Bucaramanga2010.

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